Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 2010

Well here I am keeping the semi-annual blog going... been so long I forgot my password. Well seems I have got that figured out. Since my last post 15 months ago I am the happy owner of an Ipod Touch, keeping me sane at work, really, really, really would like an Ipad, but as my Gram would say " if wishes were horses, beggars would ride". All too true, but isn't is sooooo pretty.
I am now on 2nd shift 3 to 11:30 so during baseball season I am getting great use out of my DVR s don't tell me who won! 2nd shift has some other complications that have come up, like who is making what for dinner. Most days I am able to get dinner started before I leave for work, today though I had our oldest son Kevin make the entire dinner. A nice London Broil cut cooked o the grill, his first, he stared the charcoal, prepped the "steak" and cooked it, although with a couple of texts from me. He also make a side dish and dinner was on the table at 6:05. Yum!
Well ballgame is on, need to pay a little more attention to it. See you all soon

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